The Whitney move is a procedure for eliminating singularities among submanifolds of complementary dimension via a homotopy supported near a 2-dimensional Whitney disk. In dimensions greater than or equal to 5, the existence of disjointly embedded Whitney disks follows from algebraic data and general position, and the Whitney move plays a key role in many classification and unknotting theorems for high-dimensional manifolds. The failure of the Whitney move in dimensions less than or equal to 4 is a defining characteristic of Low-dimensional Topology which significantly complicates applications of algebraic topology and surgery theory, and leads to such phenomena as exotic 4-spaces and intersection forms which are realized by topological but not smooth closed 4-manifolds. I will describe a combinatorial approach to measuring the failure of the Whitney move in terms of higher order intersection trees, which are related to the Kontsevich integral and Lie algebras of iterated commutators.